Mattachine REVIEW

The REVIEW is published monthly (for subscribers only) by the Mattachine Society, Inc., Los Angeles 53, Calif., a non-profit, for non-partisan organization founded in the public interest the purpose of providing true and accurate information toward the solution of problems of human sex behavior, particularly those of the homosexual adult. The REVIEW is available on many newsstands in the U.S. (six alternate-month issues per year). SUBSCRIPTIONS: In the U.S., Canada and Mexico, $2.50 per year; Single copies, 50c. All other countries, $3.50 per year. All copies mailed first class sealed in plain envelope. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: (to which all communications should addressed): 693 Mission St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Telephone Exbrook 7-0773.


COPYRIGHT 1956 by the Mattachine Society, Inc. All rights reserved to material not otherwise credited.

MANUSCRIPTS--for publication in this magazine are solicited. At the present time, such manuscripts, articles, reviews, etc must be accepted on a no-fee basis. Manuscripts not accompanied by postpaid return envelope become the property of Mattachine Review

Hal Call....

D. Stewart Lucas.

Mel Betti...

Rod Holiday.

ADVERTISEMENTS accepted only from publishers and or authors of books. magazines and periodicals related to the research field of the Mattachine Society, Inc Rates upon application Publisher reserves the right to reject any and all advertising.


Publications Director and Editor Business Manager ....Art Director Production


MATTACHINE SOCIETY, INC. (National Headquarters): Post Office Box 1925, Los Angeles 53, Calif.

LOS ANGELES AREA COUNCIL: 357 Belmont Ave.. Los Angeles 26. Calif. (Mail to P. O. Box 1925. Los Angeles 53. Calif.) SAN FRANCISCO AREA COUNCIL: 693 Mission St., San Francisco 5. Calif. Tel. EXbrook 7-0773 (after 8 p.m. daily; Sats. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.)

CHICAGO AREA COUNCIL: P.O. Box. 3514, Merchandise Mart P.O., Chicago 54. I11.

NEW YORK AREA COUNCIL: P. O. Box 194, Murray Hill Station, New York 16, N. Y.

WASHINGTON (D.C.) OFFICE: P. O. Box 8815. Southeast Station, Washington 3, D. C.

DENVER OFFICE: P. O. Box 7035, Capitol Hill Station, Denver 6. Colo.


MATTACHINE NEWSLETTERS (monthly) are published by Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and Washington, D.C. offices. Subscriptions $1 per year to each office.

mattachine REVIEW


(Continued from Inside Front Cover)

A leading California psychiatrist was a "ghost writer" of the CBS radio script presented as the article, "The Sex Crime Problem." Although this feature is five years old, it still tells much that needs to be known. Since the broadcast of it television stations in at least two main instances have tact led the homosexual problem with considerable credit: "Confidential File" on the West Coast in 1954, and "The Open Mind" in New York this year. The latter has developed its presentation into a series at the insistence of its viewers.

Curtis Ray's answer to R. H. Crowther's "Culture and the Introvert (REVIEW, February 1956) may be a little late in appearing, but some good points are made in the reply.

A key sentence in Robert Kirk's report of a Chicago panel discussion (Morality and Homosexuality) is well developed in that article: "If the homosexual is ready to demal extraordinary privileges in the world in the light of his emotional orientation, he must be as ready to accept extraordinary responsibilities."

To a considerable degree, we believe this issue adda solid stones to the building of understanding of the homophile-ac ceptance of and by himself as well as by the whole of society. Such was—and still is—the purpose of the REVIEW. In its initial issue, Chairman Ken Burns of the Mattachine Society told the purpose of the magazine wheh he stated, "We earnestly hope that the REVIEW will go a long way toward giving readers the true facts...of the sex variant in the life of the community. In printing the truth we will not strive for sensations liom, but rather maintain an intelligent and rational approach to a very emotional subject."

For the more than two years covered by the planning and actual production of the REVIEW to date, much credit is due many persons who have contributed articles, letters, book reviews, clippings and books, time, services and dollars. The entire project of the magazine, if conducted on a purely commercial scale with paid staff and production, and if material had been paid for at average going rates, would have cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $30,000 to accomplish. That it was done for about $7,000 spells something remarkable indeed. It's an undeniable proof that a project such as the REVIEW-admittedly a long way yet from reaching its stride-can be accomplished. Thus it is with more appreciation than we can express that the staff and officers and members of the Mattachine say to our thousands of contributors, subscribers, newadealers, their customers and friends, thanks sincerely for your aid. The job done so far would have been impossible without it. ·Hal Call, Editor